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Learn more about these additional resources for teaching, learning, and clinical support from Wolters Kluwer Health.

5-Minute Consult helps physicians, clinical students, and healthcare professionals deliver the best possible patient care by providing quick answers they can trust at point of care. This fully integrated, online resource is based on best-selling content by leading family and internal medicine practitioners, and is updated regularly.

Acland Anatomy is an online set of 330 fully narrated, 3D-rotational gross anatomy videos organized by region (Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, The Trunk, Head & Neck, Internal Organs). Created by Dr. Robert D. Acland (University of Louisville School of Medicine), the site helps to facilitate understanding or review of human anatomy. Recent enhancements such as self-assessment based on the Practical Exam and the addition of Inner Ear videos further support teaching and learning for faculty, students, practitioners, and patients.

Bates’ Visual Guide delivers clinically oriented, head-to-toe and systems based assessment videos along with OSCE clinical skills modules to prepare students for the boards and the patient encounter. Using a web-based platform that ensures anytime/anywhere access on or off site, plus quick and easy search, Bates’ Visual Guide makes it possible to deliver an end-to-end physical assessment learning system for MD, DO, PA, NP and related educational programs. The videos are also useful for clinicians who conduct patient exams and who may require training on or review of those techniques.

Grant’s Anatomy Lab is a fully customizable dissection manual for medical and related health professions programs with a cadaveric dissection lab. Using material from the market-leading Grant’s Dissector,along with additional content (e.g., images) from Grant’s Atlas, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Atlas of Anatomy,and (Rohen) Color Atlas of Anatomy,this online program allows instructors to edit content to fit their needs by modifying text down to the letter, adding and/or linking to their own content, and posting individual sections to students in their course(s).

PrepU is an adaptive quizzing engine built by faculty and tested in the classroom. Moore’s Clinical Anatomy Review, powered by PrepU, features personalized quizzes to help medical and related health professions students learn more efficiently and effectively, while giving instructors a window into their students' progress, including areas of strength and weakness.

thePoint is Lippincott’s online portal to faculty and student resources, including ancillary support materials and training tools.

STEDMAN'S Online puts the power of understanding complex medical terminology, abbreviations, and symbols in the hands of everyone. By improving the accuracy of documentation, Stedman’s Online helps institutions limit errors, improve patient safety, and ensure quality care.  The site actually offers 5 distinct content sets that can be sold separately or together: Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, Stedman’s Dictionary for Health Professions and Nursing, Stedman’s Pocket Dictionary, Stedman’s Dental Dictionary, and Stedman’s Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols.
